Hire agreement. Terms and conditions of hire
These are the terms and conditions for the hire of units belonging to Kiddy Castles. Please read these carefully and sign at the bottom to signify that you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions.
The company accepts no responsibility for damage or injury whilst our equipment is under hire to you.
This Unit must be supervised at all times. Deflate in Strong winds
No somersaulting please as this can be dangerous both to you and other guests using the unit.
Please ensure that the delivery driver has free and easy access to erect the unit* on to a clean flat lawn or indoor dwelling.
If hiring for an indoor venue, please be advised that it is your responsibility check for any height restriction. if we arrive and there is insufficient space or the venue is unsuitable, full payment will still have to be made.
Please be advised that the unit must be erected on a lawned or grassed area. if we arrive and there is insufficient space or the lawn is unsuitable (e.g uneven or unclean) full payment will still have to be made.
Kiddy Castles reserve the right to cancel any booking at any time due poor weather conditions for your own safety.
1. Bouncy castles, ( excluding the woodland fairies) ball pits and soft play are strictly for children. Under no circumstances should an adult enter on to the unit, as this may result in damage to our unit and any damage must be paid for by the hirer.
2. Payment before event or upon delivery please.
3. You (the hirer) must ensure there is adult supervision at all times when the unit is in use. No persons under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs (prescribed or non-prescribed and any other intoxicating substance) may use or supervise this unit at any time.
4. Children must remove their shoes, glasses and belts before using the unit and must be prevented from climbing up the walls/barriers of the unit.
5. Food, Drink, Pets are forbidden on the units.
6. The hirer is responsible for the safe keeping of the unit and you will be charged for any damage, missing items or cleaning charge if returned in dirty condition.
7 Please ensure all Ball Pit balls are placed back into the ball pit for ease of collection
8 all units are checked on delivery and on signing below indicates the acceptance of the unit being in good clean condition
9 only our delivery driver is authorised to collect the unit, under no circumstances allow the unit to be collected by anyone not employed by Kiddy Castles. all our drivers and attendants wear clothing with the Kiddy Castles logo.
10 please use extreme caution with extension cables and blowers. please NEVER cover the blower.
11 The safe amount of children on the unit at any one time is as follows 15x12 =7 standard max. 15X18 slide 9 max.
The hirer must ensure the units are staked down at all times and checked regularly. Supervise, Stop any horseplay and use discretion in bad weather and high winds
The Unit must be deflated in high winds exceeding (24 MPH )and the blower unplugged and left turned off
*( The word unit in terms and conditions means bouncy castle or play equipment )
please sign here to confirm that you have read and accept the above conditions.
I Hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to hire the equipment from Kiddy Castles subject to those terms and conditions
signed ...................................................dated ................................
by signing I agree that I am entering a contract confirming that I am responsible for any loss, damage or injury. and that I abide by the above conditions and understand that this contract specifies that no one over the age of 14 years will use the Pirate,princess, hero,party fun, all 12x12 A frames, 15 x 15 low height and no one over 16 years of age will use the Jungle combi, and Disco castles
General Data protection Regulation (GPDR) came into force on the 25th May 2018.
The new laws aim to update the current data Protection Act, increasing the protection of all UK and EU citizens and reduce the risk of data breaches
It will apply to all public and private organisations, who process personal data,
Kiddy Castles is committed to the privacy of all individuals, personal data which we hold securely.
We will only process and retain the following information.
Contact name.
Tel no.
And email address.
These details are required to enable Kiddy Castles to fulfil their obligations in the completion of all bookings and supply of equipment.
Please email kiddycastles@live.co.uk if you DO NOT consent to this information being held by us.